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40% Discount on a Personalized Nutrition Plan at Blossom Clinic, Portland OR


Step into 2012 with a Personalized Nutrition Plan at Blossom Clinic.  Schedule your January/February  2012 appointments now and receive the following:

Nutrition Consult with Dr. Elise or Rylen Feeney:  $96 for a 90 minute appointment and a personalized plan (40% discount).  In this session, your practitioner will look at your health history and discuss your goals with you.  If you are interested in beginning a cleanse regime, your practitioner will go over this with you to determine which type would be best for you.

Acupuncture or Amma for Detoxification and Cleansing: $51 for each 60 minute appointment with Liz Richards or Rylen Feeney (40% discount).  This is a targeted session to help increase your will power, support all processes of elimination, and assist your body in detoxification.  Weekly appointments are encouraged.

Optional Food Allergy Panel: $126 to test 96 foods! This is a great addition to a new dietary regime.

FREE 2 hour Class taught by Dr. Elise which covers many topics to help get you going in the right direction with your plan. Date to be determined.

If you have questions, please feel free to email or call us and we will set up a 10 minute complementary consultation.  You can also schedule online here.

Chaste Tree Berry: A Girl’s Best Friend

Chaste Tree Berry  (Vitex agnus-castus)

Indigenous to the Mediterranean countries and Asia, Chaste Tree Berry has been renown as both an aphrodisiac and an anaphodisiac.  It was known in the middle ages as Monk’s pepper because of its reputed ability to suppress sexual desire in celibate monks.  Now in the 20th century it is being touted as the natural female “Viagra”. Chaste Tree Berry’s effects lie in its ability to stimulate and regulate anterior pituitary functions.  In particular it can normalize the amount of progesterone in our bodies. German research has discovered that Chaste Tree Berry does this by binding to dopamine2 receptors in the anterior pituitary and decreasing secretion of prolactin. This decrease in prolactin leads to increased progesterone production in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.  Additionally, Chaste Tree Berry seems to increase luteinizing hormone and help to lengthen a women’s luteal phase.  Luteinizing hormone is produced in the pituitary and it is what signals the female body to release an egg. Once the egg is released it is the empty follicle called the corpus lutetium that is responsible for manufacturing female’s monthly surges of progesterone.

Recent findings confirm that Chaste Tree Berry can restore normal estrogen to progesterone balance. Chaste Tree Berry has been successfully used to regulate irregular menses and PMS symptoms including dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, fibroid cysts, and hormonal constipation.  It can be used to stabilize the cycle after withdrawal from progesterone birth control pills.  For women trying to get pregnant it can regulate the ovulatory cycle and can be safely taken through the end of the first trimester, actually decreasing the risk of miscarriage.  It is safe to take after the third month of pregnancy but not recommended, because it may bring on milk flow too early.  After the birth however, it may again be taken to stabilize the hormones and increase lactation. Research as shown it to be most effective taken the first ten day after birth.

In England and increasingly in the United States Chaste Tree Berry is being used to relieve the symptoms of menopause.  Both PMS and menopause symptoms are commonly caused by estrogen dominance and can benefit from the use of Chaste Tree Berry.  For practitioners of Chinese medicine, Peter Holmes categorizes Chaste Tree Berry as entering the Liver, Spleen and in particular regulating the Chong and Ren pathways. See note below.

Other studies indicate Chaste Tree Berry to effectively treat acne in both female and male teenagers.

In summary, Chaste Tree Berry is recommended for the treatment of PMS, abnormal menses, and fertility challenges especially if a progesterone deficiency is suspected.  In 2 large studies conducted in Germany, with more than 1500 participants, 57% experienced significant improvement of PMS symptoms and 1/3 of the participants expressed 100% relief of symptoms.  Clinical research shows that Chaste Tree Berry may work in as fast as ten days, but generally to see full effect one should take for a minimum of 3 full cycles.  With PMS, positive results may be seen by the 2nd cycle but permanent improvement may take up to a year.

Chaste Tree Berry has little to no side effects, with less than 2% reporting mild nausea or rash.  Chaste Tree Berry can be taken as an infusion, tablet or tincture.  Dosage would be one half to one gram dried berries infused for 10-15 minutes or current dosage recommendations for water-alcohol extracts and tablets are an average daily dose equivalent to 20 to 40 mg of fresh berries. Preparations have also been standardized to contain 0.5% agnuside with the recommended dosage as 175 to 225 mg per day.

Note: Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a similar herb Man Jing Zi, or Vitex Rotoundifolia.

Both species are from the same family, verbenaceae, but have been used differently.  Man Jing Zi is used to relieve wind heat, and clear heat from the liver.  Used for headaches and eye pain or in combination with other herbs for Wind heat colds.


*Bensky, Dan, Gamble, Andrew, Clavey, Steven, & Stoger, Erich. Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica 3rd Edition.  Eastland Press, Washington 2004

*Hardy MD, Mary L. “Women’s Health Series: Herbs of Special Interest to Women: Chaste Tree Berry.” Online membership medical site. Medscape. Mar. 2000. Web. <www.medscape.com>.

*Hoffmann, David L. “Herbal Medicine Materia Medica: Chaste Berry.” Alternative Health, Wellness and Healthy Living Information, Articles and News. Web. 13 July 2011. <http://www.healthy.net/scr/MMedica.aspx?Id=185>.

*Holmes, Peter. The Energetics of Western Herbs: A Materia Medica Integrating Western and Chinese Herbal Therapeutics (Volume Two). Snow Lotus Press, 2006

*Lee MD, John R., Hanley MD, Jesse & Hopkins, Virginia. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Perimenopause Warner Books, New York 1999.

*Murray ND, Michael. The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines, Bantam Books 2000.

*Werbach MD, Melvyn & Murray ND, Michael. Botanical Influences of Illness, a sourcebook of clinical research,   Third Line Press, California 1994

Contributed by Rylen Feeney, former Independent Practitioner at Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon. To purchase this product from our store please click here.

NEW! Schedule Online for Services and Visit our Online Store for Packages


Dear Clients:

We are pleased to announce that you can now schedule online for most services at Blossom (I- Liz Richards- will be set up soon so please email or call to schedule acupuncture for now)! Simply CLICK HERE to the user-friendly page and follow the prompts.

Here is to a happy and healthy new year!


Male Infertility and Acupuncture in Portland, Oregon


Much of fertility is focused around women, however not all infertility is due to the womanʼs body.   Many procedures that women undergo can be costly and invasive, all the more reason to look at the male to make sure he is also healthy.  Being aware of male reproductive capacities is an important part of increasing your chance of conceiving.  There are some simple but effective actions that men can take to increase their chance of success.  Male fertility is measured by sperm number, quality and motility.  Sperm takes around 90 days to develop from creation to ejaculation so treatment is a long-term plan that requires consistency.

Pre-natal vitamins for men?

One simple action for men is to take a multi vitamin that includes zinc and selenium.  Zinc is important for sperm count and motility while selenium helps with motility.  Food sources of these vitamins include nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds for zinc and brazil nuts for selenium.  Vitamin C has benefits for it’s antioxidant effects especially in smokers who have agglutination (think sticky) problems (i.).  Also, essential fatty acids are beneficial for membrane quality and energy production.


Men can also make lifestyle choices men that can help prevent interruption to their sperm production and health.   Testicular temperature above 96 degrees farenheit may compromise sperm production. The testes are on the outside of the body because they need a lower temperature to produce healthy sperm.   Avoiding tight clothes and underwear, as well saunas and excessive exercise help keep the testes at an acceptable temperature.  Also, get the laptops out of your laps.  Between the radiation and the heat it is best to have a barrier between you and your computer.  Cut out the big four: drugs, alcohol, smoking and caffeine all effect sperm production and health.  Acupuncture is a great way to support you if you need help to quit smoking or to detox from other substances.

Men can also make lifestyle choices men that can help prevent interruption to their sperm production and health.   Testicular temperature above 96 degrees farenheit may compromise sperm production. The testes are on the outside of the body because they need a lower temperature to produce healthy sperm.   Avoiding tight clothes and underwear, as well saunas and excessive exercise help keep the testes at an acceptable temperature.  Also, get the laptops out of your laps.  Between the radiation and the heat it is best to have a barrier between you and your computer.  Cut out the big four: drugs, alcohol, smoking and caffeine all effect sperm production and health.  Acupuncture is a great way to support you if you need help to quit smoking or to detox from other substances.

Grocery Shopping

Become savvy about your food choices to fine tune your health and increase your chances of conceiving.   Whole foods, those foods typically found at the perimeter  of the grocery store, are more nutritious. When shopping choose organic fruits and vegetables to avoid pesticide residue.  Also, when buying meat pick animals that are hormone and antibiotic free.  Hydrogenated oils, are best avoided especially cottonseed oil which contains gossypol which may interfere with sperm production.(i.)    In fact, gossypol is being studied as a male contraceptive in other countries. (ii.)    Cottonseed oil, is in potato chips, salad dressings and other packaged food items so learn to read labels. Improving your eating habits as a couple makes changing your eating habits easier and supports you as a team.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Chinese medicine including acupuncture and herbs can help with male fertility.  Traditionally, in China menʼs health and vitality were a focus to produce a male heir so it has been an important part of Chinese medicine for a long time. Regular acupuncture can help boost motility.  There is a traditional formula Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan or five seeds formula which is designed to help boost male fertility focusing on motility, quality and viscosity.  Another formula Hu Zhang Dan Shen Yin is designed to decrease anti- sperm antibodies a contributing factor to male infertility.  Conventional treatment is prednisone which has side effects like decreased sex drive.  Research shows that Hu Zhang Dan Shen Yin is as effective as conventional treatment. (iv.)  Lastly, for the man improving your health and vitality will help you feel better and to connect with your partner as you make this transition into parenthood.

For more information and a brief overview of male fertility visit this well laid out page by Spence Pentland and Lorne Brown.

Contributed by Jennie King, L.Ac. of Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon


i. Dawson EB, Harris WA, McGanity WJ. Effect of ascorbic acid on sperm fertility. Fed
Proc 1983;42:531 [abstr 31403].
ii. http://www.waystogetpregnantfast.com/male-infertiity/
iii. ContraceptionVolume 65, Issue 4, April 2002, Pages 259-263
iv. Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2006 Aug;12(8): 750-5.

Contributed by Jennie King, L.Ac. of Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon

Blossom Clinic on YouTube

New! Purchase Gift Cards Online from Blossom Clinic


We are pleased to announce that you can now purchase gift cards online HERE

You will be able to print the gift card once your transaction is complete and/or email it to the recipient right away!  You will receive an email copy of the gift card so it can be printed at a later time.

Interview with Liz Richards, Owner of Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon


Where did you come up with the name “Blossom”?
Blossom has a special connotation to me personally as a women’s heath practitioner.  Being a woman is all about transformation and growth and I primarily see patients who are pregnant of trying to conceive. It is an honor to see my female fertility patients conceive, bloom into pregnancy, and then grow as a parent.  Blossom Clinic has been open for 3 years and I think we have lived up to it’s name.  Life is all about transformation and growth and it is our job to support people wherever they are in the process and gently guide them forwards.

What types of treatments are offered at Blossom clinic?
The practitioners at Blossom are some of the best in their fields so when you come here, you know that you will be well taken care of.  Each practitioner at Blossom owns their own business and has their own area of specialty.  Blossom is their umbrella, and we are here to help them with the business ends of things so that they can focus on their patients 100%. We offer free phone or in-house consultations and refer patients out if we believe we do not have an acupuncturist, practitioner, or massage therapist who is the right fit.

Right now Blossom Clinic is providing Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Massage, Amma Therapy (Asian Bodywork), Nutritional consultations and individual & group counseling.  It is my goal as owner of Blossom to provide the best care within the context of women’s health, reproductive health,  and family healthcare.  Whether you are interested in a relaxing massage of an invigorating one, Blossom can provide that.  If you are interested in doing a cleanse or learning more about foods that are good for you, we would love to chat with you.  If your baby is experiencing colic, we can treat him/her.  We are here for the whole family, including men!

Can you tell us about Blossom Blog?
I love Blossom Blog, partially because I personally developed and designed it  and it is a creative outlet for me.  I figure if we can reach just one person a day and help him/her, then we have done our job.  One of my favorite blogs is one in which I interview a mom who had her twins vaginally.  I have had such great feedback about how this helped people realize that they can establish their birth preferences. I personally had a c-section and a vaginal birth, and I know that when it comes to labor and delivery, things do not always go as planned.  I also love the blog titled Nutrition for Fertility because it speaks of my personal experiences.  Our practitioners also blog: Rylen Feeney’s Chaste Tree Berry article gets the most hits on our site.  And I love Dr. Elise’s candor in her blog posts.  Those are always a joy to read.  Some blogs have been very informative and read over and over again by new clients, including Treatments for First Trimester Nausea and Acupuncture on the Day of IVF Embryo Transfer, and Treatment of Male Infertility.

My goal is not to tell people what is right and wrong, but to empower people and provide food for thought. I love answering questions about natural health.  If there are any blog posts you would like to see, please let me know!

Mother’s Day Gift Certificate Special- Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon


Honor that special woman in your life with a gift of peace and relaxation… and a full-body massage for only $65. 

Stop by, call or email for easy pick-up.  Or we can put the credit on her account for easy check-out.  We are located in the Whole Foods shopping center at NE 15th and Fremont.

Many Blessings from the Blossom Clinic Team

B Vitamin Injections in Portland, Oregon


Contributed by Dr. Elise Schroeder, Blossom’s wonderful Naturopathic Physician

Appointments for Vitamin B injections are only $30 and can be scheduled online.

B vitamins are essential nutrients that our bodies use for many processes from head to toe. B 12 in particular is vital in the production of  red blood cells, the function of the nervous system and DNA production. 

Dr. Elise is offering B Vitamin Injections for $30. You can schedule a same-day 30 minute session on Mondays and Wednesdays online or by calling the clinic at 5032870886.

B 12 and the other b vitamins are usually absorbed in the digestive tract, however in many cases absorption is hindered by digestive system problems.  For this reason B vitamins are often given as injections in order to override the digestive system.   Many individuals will feel the positive effects of a B vitamin injection within minutes of receiving it and for up to a week afterwards.

Benefits of  B vitamin injections:

  1. Energy!
  2. Stress reducer
  3. Mood lifter/anxiety  buster
  4. Helps with nerve damage
  5. Improves sleep

B12 absorption via injection is more effective than if taken orally or sublingually- where much of the vitamin is lost in the process of digesting it

Symptoms of low B 12:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Weakness
  3. Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
  4. Depression
  5. Poor memory
  6. Brain Fog
  7. Sore mouth and tongue

Causes of low B-12:

  1. Impaired absorption in the digestive system- due to aging, digestive difficulties or surgeries
  2. Diet low in food sources of B12 ( vegetarian or vegans especially)
  3. Low levels of stomach acid- normal process of aging, or due to stomach acid blocking medication

If you think you may benefit from B vitamin injections or would like to discuss you symptoms with Dr Elise, please call Blossom Clinic and schedule a consult! 503-287-0886. Appt for injections are only $30 and can be scheduled online.

Nutrition for Optimal Fertility (and good health!)


Many patients come into the office and ask me if they should eliminate gluten or dairy from their diet to enhance fertility.  Although this might be a good idea for some, it seems that In our society when we think of good health, we automatically think about deprivation.  Why is that? How healthy can that be to deprive oneself of all of these things? And why isn’t anyone telling you what to put back in to replace those things? I write this blog to encourage a mental paradigm shift when it comes to healthy eating.  Ask yourself,

What can I add into my diet?

rather than

What can I take away?


Seven FERTILE Rules for Nutrition

1. F : FATS

FATS: Embrace healthy fats in your diet. Fats are needed for critical hormone metabolism in your body.  Introduce eggs, whole milk kefir or yoghurt, flax seed oils, coconut oil, ghee, avocado, almonds, peanuts, brazil nuts, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, goat milk products, “safe” fish, and hormone-free organic meat.  If you are trying to lose weight (research shows that a 10% loss of body weight enhances fertility in overweight females), incorporate these “good” fats and increase protein so that your metabolism gets revved up.


E XTREMES are not good in either direction. Instead of deprivation, think nourishment. Ask yourself, what can I add in to my diet to nourish myself and make myself healthier? It is so important to make long-term, sustainable changes to your diet.  When you make dietary changes, it takes about three months to affect your menstrual cycles and your fertility.  If you have made changes that you cannot sustain, that is a sign that you might be doing something too extreme. Our naturopathic doctor, Dr. Elise, can help you with this if you need some nutrition help. 


R EDUCE: Yes, you do need to cut out alcohol, cigarettes, coffee (decaf and regular), marijuana, environmental estrogen and anything that is creating a toxic environment within your body.  That being said and referring to number #2 above- and #7 below.


TAKE TIME to nourish yourself in multiple ways.  Whether you are overweight or underweight, we are all human and we all need to fill ourselves with positive things which make us feel good in the long term.  For example, take a walk outside, get a massage or acupuncture, connect with others in your community, confide in someone that you have known for a while, etc.


INCLUDE Breakfast: I cannot stress the importance of this enough.  And a granola bar does not count as breakfast.  Here are three breakfasts I love for fertility: 1. Free range eggs and organic breakfast sausage on sprouted wheat bread and goat chevre (fancy!); 2. Steel cut oats with hemp milk, honey and crushed nuts; 3. Sprouted grain bread and almond butter with a side of whole milk yogurt and fruit.



LOAD up on whole foods.  What is a whole food?  If you know what is in it when you look at it, then it is a whole food.  This includes unlimited vegetables, whole grains like quinoa & millet, and complex carbs like yams & potatoes.

7. E: ENJOY!

ENJOY your food!  Sharing meals with others is one of the greatest pleasures in life.  Depriving yourself of that pleasure will make for an unhappy person.  We want you to be happy.  As my Italian relatives say, “Manga, Manga!”




Liz Richards is a practitioner or Oriental Medicine specializing in fertility and pregnancy.  During the last ten years of practice she has birthed and nursed two sweet boys while simultaneously growing a successful acupuncture practice.  To contact Liz, please call 5032870886 or send an email to theblossomclinic@gmail.com. Happy Eating!

For more reading on Pre-Conception Health, click here.

IVF Tips for Patients: Top Ten Things to Do


Liz Richards, L.Ac., MAcOM has been treating fertility patients with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Portland, OR since 2002.  Here are ten IVF tips based on her clinical experience with patients receiving acupuncture at Blossom Clinic while undergoing IVF at Oregon Reproductive Medicine

Acupuncture and IVF Portland Oregon IVF tips1. Begin acupuncture treatments right away: 

The way you treat your body three months prior to your IVF egg retrieval and embryo transfer is more important than anything you can do immediately before your egg retrieval and embryo transfer.  If you are reading this before your IVF cycle begins, start your acupuncture treatments at least three months prior to western therapy if you can.  Read more about IVF and acupuncture here.

2. Have acupuncture on the day of your embryo transfer:

Here in Portland, OR, acupuncturists go to the fertility clinic with you on the day of transfer and give acupuncture directly before and after the embryo transfer.  Will your fertility clinic allow an acupuncturist there on the day of transfer?

Acupuncture and IVF Portland Oregon 3. Starting now, eat energetically warm foods:

This means limited raw foods, no ice water and limited fruits and salads. Try to have your diet leaning in an energetically warm direction with around 80% of your diet warm, especially in the Fall and Winter. This keeps the qi and blood coursing through your organs, allows your energy to go where it needs to go and keeps your “jing fires” burning.  We have a list here that breaks down warm foods into categories and your acupuncturist should be able to provide you with a similar list.  Other dietary recommendations are available here.

pineapple for embryo implantation4. Eat pineapple with the core before, during and after bed rest (around implantation).

You can cut the pineapple into fifths, cross section-wise, and eat 1/5 per day… with the core. This helps implantation. My blog has an article about this. This is the only exception to #3 above.

5. Give yourself at least two days rest post embryo transfer.

bed rest post embryo transferThis is based on my clinical experience. It is very important to take a break from the daily grind and allow your body to focus on implantation without every-day life stressors.  Also, keep your torso and feet warm during post embryo transfer rest period. Think of yourself as an incubator.

6. Laugh during your post embryo transfer resting period.

Yes, you read that right. There was a funky little experimental study in Israel where they had “medical clowns” in the room for IVF patients. Patients with the clowns had higher success rates.  Ha! Watch good funny shows on your bed rest.  I personally love Modern Family, Mindy Project and New Girl.

acupuncture portland oregon IVF7. Receive acupuncture after your embryo transfer:

After your post embryo transfer resting period, make sure the acupuncturist does lifting and holding points including GV 20 and Si Shen Cong. Have them keep it simple with points that aren’t too stimulating. PC 6 is a good point too.

8. Continue acupuncture during the first trimester. 

Receiving acupuncture during the first trimester will relieve anxiety and can resolve digestive issues. We have proven points to help “hold” the pregnancy and stop bleeding. Sometimes herbs are indicated and should only be taken through the direct advice of your acupuncturist.

9. Make time for guided relaxations:

Lie down for 30 minutes each day and listen to guided relaxation CDs.  My four favorites are Alice Domar, Belleruth Neparstek, Leslee Kagan and Circle and Bloom

10. Expect the Unexpected…

Remember that nearly every IVF cycle has something unexpected happen and usually everything works out OK despite the minor glitch.  So when that thing happens, remember what I said and move on.  Everything is going to be ok.

Guided Relaxations for Fertility and infertility We hope you found these IVF tips helpful.  Good luck!!

The post IVF Tips for Patients: Top Ten Things to Do appeared first on Blossom Clinic.

Infertility During the Holidays: Not so ‘Ho Ho Ho’


Infertility During the Holidays

The Holidays are again upon us and for those dealing with infertility it can be a less than joyful time. While those around are celebrating with family and friends and one’s own family wants you to join in, the holidays can magnify even more the sadness felt at not having a child of one’s own. Gatherings are numerous and often focused on children. The end of the year can accentuate another year marked with no baby.

What are some ways to cope with this?

1. Give yourself permission to acknowledge that this is stressful and you are not being a Scrooge.

2. Identify your “A” team of family and/or friends who “get it” and can be supportive and spend more time with them. Identifying your “A” team is something many of my clients find helpful all year long. There may be people in your lives who are good and well meaning but say or do things that can be unintentionally painful. Maybe they are on the “B” or “C” Team because they care about you but don’t understand the things to say or do regarding infertility.

3. If invited to a Holiday gathering, you may not really know whether you can face going until that very day/evening. People cancel at the last minute for lots of reasons and so can you. Or, if you decide to give it a try, and you are part of a couple, have a prearranged signal that you give to one another when one of you absolutely must leave. Stay close to each other while at the gathering to be mutually supportive.

4. Perhaps, instead of the usual round of holiday parties, you go off this year to some place by yourselves. Tell family you are not changing family tradition forever; you just need to take care of yourselves this year. Pamper yourselves at a Bed and Breakfast. You don’t have to go to Hawaii (although that might be great!) but somewhere special to the two of you.

5. Consider taking the month off trying to get pregnant. This can be difficult when you are feeling a time crunch but consider it a gift to yourselves to enjoy lovemaking and time together with no pressure.

6. Men and women often have different ways of coping. Remember that no one way is the “right” way and try to be accepting of difference. A good example, which I often see in my practice, is that men cope by wanting to hold on to whatever is “normal” in life. They want to go to all the parties and “enjoy” the holidays after months of disappointment. Women find holiday parties loaded with “danger” of talk of pregnancies and children and cope by trying to avoid them.  Respect each other’s way of coping and talk in an accepting way towards a compromise.

This post was contributed by Anne Korpi Dolan, LCSW, DCSW. Anne has more than 25 years working in this field, including leading groups for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Find more information about our infertility support groups here.

infertility support group portland oregon

The post Infertility During the Holidays: Not so ‘Ho Ho Ho’ appeared first on Blossom Clinic.

Where to Find Bone Broth in Portland


bone broth Bone broth is soup broth made from bones cooked in water at a very low temperature for a long time (12-72 hours). The slow cooking time brings out all of the minerals from the bone and marrow creating a nourishing food that strengthens your immune system and builds your “Blood” and “Kidney Jing” in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If you want to make beef bone broth at home, I would recommend getting a mix of knuckle bones ($2.99/ lb. at New Seasons) and center cut femur bones (3.89/ lb. at New Seasons). For a good overall description of bone broth with recipes, visit this blog at Nourished Kitchen.

As the cold and flu season is upon us, I did some research to find the easiest way to get your hands on prepared bone broth in Portland. Here is what I found:

1. Salt, Fire and Time: This is by far the best place to get bone broth in the city of Portland. The broth comes in 5 varieties (including beef, chicken and turkey) and can be picked up at their SE location or delivered to your home! They also have Bone Broth Gift Boxes and Wellness Gift Boxes for delivery. Their broth is made with bones from organic meat and made lovingly, all day, in their kitchen. Each 35 ounce jar of this hearty bone broth is $18.

2. Cultured Caveman: This paleo-centric food cart has three locations in Portland (Hawthorne, Alberta and Downtown) and one restaurant in the Kenton neighborhood. In addition to dishes like Brazilian Pulled Beef and Bacon Almond Dates, their menu has a hot cup of grass fed bone broth for $4-6. As an added bonus, the whole menu is free of gluten, soy and dairy.

3. Grocery Store: New Seasons carries Pacific Foods brand bone broth in two different sizes. The 8 oz. size has 9 grams of protein and comes flavored with lemongrass, ginger, or rosemary, sage & thyme.

Thanks for reading this bone broth blog. Know of any other places that sell bone broth in Portland, OR? Send us an email at theblossomclinic@gmail.com.

Contributed by Liz Richards, L.Ac. 

The post Where to Find Bone Broth in Portland appeared first on Blossom Clinic.

The Two Week Intimacy Challenge


The Two Week Intimacy Challenge A recent article in the New York Times displayed some grim statistics about sex and marriage. According the author’s analysis of Google searches, “sexless marriage” is at the top of the list for searches on the topic of marriage. Anyone who has been married, especially with kids, knows that we can so easily forgot how great sex, and particularly intimacy, can be for every part of our being. Have you ever thought after sex with your partner, “Wow, we should do that more often!”?

Even the simple act of holding hands has been shown to decrease stress levels and cortisone in the body. Touch can increase oxytocin in the body, leading to feelings of contentment and euphoria. Laughter, too, can make our worries go away. So why don’t we have sex more often when it has so many benefits? The answer is that we are so busy with our lives that it gets de-prioritized.

In thinking about how I could encourage my patients to re-prioritize such an important part of their relationship, I came up with The Two Week Intimacy Challenge. The idea is to set aside 10-30 minutes each day engaging in intimate acts. Intimate acts do not need to include sex or the expectation of sex. Intimacy means different things to different people and discussing what intimacy means to each of you is probably a good place to start when taking on this challenge.

Here are five Intimacy Challenge ideas to get you started:

  1. Go for a walk and hold hands the whole time. Don’t let go!
  2. Get out some massage lotion- even olive oil from your kitchen cabinet would work- and take turns massaging each other. Set a timer if necessary.
  3. Write down five statements of positive affirmation for your partner and read them to him/her.
  4. Set a date night and carve out that quality time!
  5. Try this Circular Breathing Exercise:

Two Week Intimacy Challenge Circular Breathing Exercise:

In Chinese Medicine we say, “Where the mind goes, the Qi follows”. We can use our mind and our breath to direct our energy where we want it to go. In this exercise, you are physically wrapped around your partner while doing a breathing exercise that creates a breathing loop in your body and a breathing loop in your partner’s body, ultimately creating a figure 8, or two linked circles, between the two of you.

  • Step 1: While dressed or undressed, sit facing each other and wrap your legs around each other. If you are not that flexible, it is OK to have your legs a little open. Place your hand over your partner’s heart and begin breathing in and out. Feel your belly rise on the inhale and fall on the exhale. Do this for a good minute. Don’t worry about coordinating breaths. And if you laugh, that is OK!
  • Step 2: Remove your hand from the heart and wrap your arms around each other. Close your eyes. You each begin by quickly contracting your pelvic muscles. Then, on the inhale, imagine your breath beginning at the bottom of your spine, moving up your spine to the very top of your head. On your exhale, use your mind’s eye to direct your breath slowly down the front of your body past your chest and belly back down and around to the bottom of your spine (your tailbone). Don’t worry about coordinating your breath here — you can breathe in while your partner breathes out. Continue this for as long as it feels comfortable. End with a kiss, thanking your significant other for trying something new and cool!

I hope this is helpful to you! If you need more ideas for acts of intimacy, please get in touch. Or, hey, if you have some ideas to add to the list, please comment below! I would love to hear from you.

Contributed by Liz Richards, L.Ac.




The post The Two Week Intimacy Challenge appeared first on Blossom Clinic.

Natural Treatment of PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)


Contributed by Dr. Elise Schroeder and Liz Richards, L.Ac. of Blossom Clinic

What is PCOS?

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance condition found in women of childbearing age. PCOS is characterized by some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Irregular periods
  • Fertility problems
  • Difficulty losing weight with a distribution of weight around the middle
  • Unwanted hair growth on the chin, jawline, chest or upper legs
  • Acne
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Ovarian cysts (This is where the name poly cystic ovarian syndrome originated. However, since not all women have this sign, it is a bit of a misnomer)

It is typically diagnosed by the presence of any combination of these symptoms when other diagnoses are ruled out.

Twenty years ago PCOS was uncommon. Most doctors knew it as Stein-Leventhal syndrome and it was considered a very rare condition. Not so today. According to the Office on Women’s Health, US Department of Health and Human Services: “Between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age has PCOS. As many as 5 million women in the United States may be affected. It can occur in girls as young as 11 years old.”

What causes PCOS?

  • Genetics
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Childhood Obesity

There seems to be a genetic predisposition to PCOS.  In other words, if another woman in your family has it, you are more likely to have it as well.

PCOS may also be related to the rise in obesity in the US. For example, children who are overweight have an increased risk of having this syndrome when they are older.  Obesity causes a hormone imbalance during puberty that sets the metabolism and puts that individual at a higher risk for obesity and problems with normal ovulation for the rest of her life.

Conventional Treatments for PCOS:

  • Oral birth control to help control symptoms and to regulate periods
  • Drugs to reduce insulin resistance- like metformin
  • Drugs to induce ovulation for fertility- like clomid
  • Weight loss

These medications can help many women reduce symptoms and achieve pregnancy, but there are a lot of other women who do not find success with these therapies alone.
Metformin is used to address insulin resistance. Improving insulin resistance has been shown to help regulate the menstrual cycle and induce ovulation. Unfortunately there are some undesirable side effects with metformin and many women cannot tolerate this treatment. However, it is possible to treat insulin resistance with herbs, nutrients and most importantly diet and exercise.

PCOS Diet and Nutrition TipsNaturopathic Treatments for PCOS:

  • Individualized PCOS nutrition plan
  • Herbs to encourage regular ovulation
  • Nutrients to improve insulin function and hormone balance

Weight loss and proper nutrition is a key part of PCOS treatment, however, women with PCOS have disrupted metabolisms making weight loss difficult.  Simply cutting calories never works for these individuals, which can be very frustrating.

Exercise is a must! 30 minutes a day for increased metabolism. This cannot be emphasized enough. Study after study shows that exercise is the most important piece for patients with PCOS and insulin resistance.

Myo-Inositol: One of 9 forms of inositol. Regulates insulin sensitivity and helps improve ovulation. We carry Vital Nutrients Inositol Powder.

NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine): Improves insulin sensitivity and lowers testosterone. Our NAC is also from Vital Nutrients.

Vitamin B-12: Taking metformin over a long period of time can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. We offer B –Vitamin injections.

Licorice Root: One of Dr. Elise’s favorite herbs in the treatment of PCOS. Licorice helps balance hormones by reducing androgen levels, improving stress hormone levels and regulating insulin.

Other herbs: As always, it is best to see a licensed naturopathic doctor or acupuncturist for individualized formulas to encourage ovulation and regulate the menstrual cycle. It is very rare for a practitioner to use an herb or supplement alone and having customized formulas can help have the best outcome.

natural approaches to PCOS and herbal treatment How/Why do complimentary and alternative medicine approaches work with PCOS?

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be successfully treated with Complementary and Alternative Medicine because of the following characteristics:

  • Hyperinsulinemia (you have too much circulating insulin for the glucose or carbs you have eaten): Insulin is a hormone that helps with blood sugar regulation.  In individuals with insulin resistance, the body cannot utilize insulin correctly and excess fat is stored causing obesity.
  • Hyper LH secretion (abnormal ratio of LH to FSH)
  • Increased androgen production: Insulin resistance can also cause problems with ovulation and is associated with excess androgen production.  Androgens are the hormones that produce hair growth, acne and loss of scalp hair in women.
  • Anovulation: Ovulation is not occurring

In summary:

Naturopathic treatments provide an individualized plan, including nutrition, focused on the PCOS patient’s metabolism. This can reduce insulin resistance and repair the hormonal disruption caused by it.  Other naturopathic treatments are: herbs to help encourage ovulation and normalize the menstrual cycle, vitamins and minerals to optimize hormone function, and drug therapies when needed. This type of treatment protocol can actually reverse the hormone imbalance and help women achieve pregnancy naturally.  We have seen this happen many times!

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Ten Ways to Support Someone Dealing with Infertility


Do you know someone who is going through infertility? Do you want to know how best to support them? We asked Anne Dolan, LCSW, who runs our Infertility Support Group at Blossom for her advice on how to support someone going through infertility and this is what she had to say.

infertility support

How to let those dealing with infertility know that they are NOT ALONE

  1. Tell them they are NOT ALONE and that you care about how they are doing. When it appears all their friends are easily getting pregnant, they often feel no longer part of the group.
  2. REACH OUT. If you think someone may be dealing with infertility reach out to them and ask if they would like to talk.
  3. LISTEN and avoid making suggestions or trying to “fix it”.
  4. Ask if they would like to do something together with you to help get a break from thinking about infertility all the time. Gentle PHYSICAL ACTIVITY with someone else, like walking or going to a museum, can help lessen obsessive thinking about infertility.
  5. At a get together with others, when the conversation is all about kids and childbirth stories, CHANGE THE TOPIC to something less painful for them.
  6. On days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and child focused holidays LET THEM KNOW you are thinking about them and that you know those days must be difficult.
  7. BE UNDERSTANDING if they decide not to attend a baby shower. These are very hard to deal with when their arms are aching for a child of their own.
  8. ACCEPT WITHOUT JUDGING that they may not always feel strong enough to return a phone call or email.
  9. If they have a pregnancy loss or miscarriage, OFFER to bring food, or SEND sympathy cards with words that you are thinking of them at their time of loss.
  10. BE A FRIEND in good times and bad. Infertility is a major crisis.

Thank you to Anne Dolan, LCSW for contributing this blog post. She can be reached in Portland at 617-650-3732.

The post Ten Ways to Support Someone Dealing with Infertility appeared first on Blossom Clinic.

Doula for Multiples? Guest Blog by Julia Schetky


As a doula who specializes in working with moms expecting multiples “MOMs”, I’ve been there in that first ultrasound where they find out that not only is their dream of having a baby coming true, but times two or three! Often it takes a few months for the idea of carrying, delivering and raising two to sink in.  I remember one conversation with a mama who thought, “What will I do with two?  Do I have to have a c-section?  How can I care for two while recovering from major surgery?!”

doula for multiples

By hiring an experienced multiples doula, you can navigate all the unique circumstances that come from a multiples birth.

Good news, MOMs!  Carrying twins (or even triplets) does not necessarily mean that you will need to have a cesarean birth!  In the past 21 sets of multiples, 17 were able to have a vaginal birth!  Many variables come into play when deciding what sort of birth MOMs have.

The very first variable is whether your Baby A is head down (Baby A is the lowest, the one most likely to be born first of the two.)  According to the American College of Gynecology, a vaginal birth should be attempted if at least Baby A is head down assuming mother and baby are otherwise healthy.

An early conversation with your OB about policies surrounding twin births at your hospital of choice can really help guide you to understanding the choices you have as the birthing mother.  All of our local hospitals do have a policy of MOMs pushing in the OR, as a safety net in case a cesarean is needed quickly.  But, did you know that you can often still follow all of your other birth preferences?  These can often include delayed cord clamping, opting out of various newborn procedures, and immediate skin to skin and breastfeeding!

By hiring an experienced multiples doula, you can navigate all the unique circumstances that come from a multiples birth.  Often, a mother will deliver their first baby, and that baby may need to go to the NICU.  When this happens, frequently the mother wishes the partner to go with the baby to assure that they can make decisions as needed for their newborn.

What is often forgotten is that there will be another birth happening.  Having two support people in the room assures the mother that they won’t be birthing Baby B alone.  Your doula can also coordinate with your partner to get frequent text and picture updates about Baby A, if they are out of the room, to show mom.  Your doula also will remain with you throughout recovery and until you are reunited with your partner and/or able to go visit your babies (assuming they are not both with you).

My very first twins birth was with a lovely lady named Tia and her husband Dave.  I spent a lot of time prenatally discussing things to expect during their birth of their baby girls.  But, and I can admit this now, I had NO idea what I was doing.  This was literally my second birth that I attended as a trained doula, and I didn’t know anything about how the birth would go, and how it would be different than the standard singleton.

Tia was an absolute rockstar.  She was in serious labor far before I got to her, and was coping with some challenging medical “bumps in the road.”  By the time I got to her, some concerning things were cropping up, and I recognized the sign posts or urgency clearly.  When the room got quiet, I sat next to her and very calmly explained why the medical professionals were concerned and where this might lead her labor.  At the time, the facts were a neon sign pointing to a cesarean birth if she didn’t progress rather quickly. Clearly, those were not the words I used, but the message was a calm one of “there are some things they are watching closely, let’s work hard to focus on your labor so you can meet the girls!” My intent was to be the one who said it first, just in case her OB came in and said the same thing, she wouldn’t be blindsided. I still remember the tears she had, she knew already that things weren’t ideal.

However, very quickly her labor progressed, and she was moved to her birth place, the OR.  She was moved over to the OR table, and started pushing like a fierce mother.  She channeled all that “Nope, not going to have a cesarean birth” into productive pushing! She worked hard, and birthed her first baby girl. Her husband went over to take pictures of his first little girl, and I gave Tia a pep talk. She was extremely tired, and very dehydrated at this point, so we talked a lot about how she was doing so well, and she was halfway there.

During this time, her first little girl needed to have some additional eyes on her, and was being transferred to the NICU.  This was NOT a moment I planned for in the slightest, and I knew that I would suddenly be alone with Tia for her second pushing session and birth, as Dave would go with his first born.

This moment is the cornerstone of why a doula in a twin birth is so important.  Without a doula, Tia would have been without emotional and physical support from a person who knew her personally, and knew what she needed.  She wouldn’t have anyone to look in the eye for reassurance and a sense of familiarity.  But her doula was there.  I encouraged her, I wiped off her forehead, I told her she was doing an amazing job.  Tia birthed her second baby girl with power and strength.  I stepped back and started taking pictures and creating memories for her husband, who was also doing an exceptionally important job, making medical decisions for his baby girl in the NICU.

Having a doula for any birth, I feel, is important. But having a doula for a multiples birth is vital.

As an experienced Multiples Doula, I would love to chat with you more if you are expecting two or three little ones!  I offer a complimentary meet-and-greet to answer any of your questions and for you to get to know me better! You can reach me through my website: Northwest Birth Services.

Contributed by Julia Schetky, SB, CD (DONA) of Northwest Birth Services and Do It All Doulas.

doula multiples portland

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Want to be part of the Blossom Clinic Team?

Blossom Clinic Team Job Opportunity

Blossom Clinic is seeking one more natural health practitioner to round out our team of excellent clinicians.

Blossom Clinic is looking for one more natural health practitioner to join the Blossom Clinic team. We are open to all modalities, as long as you practice under the Women’s Health specialty.

Are you looking for a joyful work environment where you can make a real difference as an integral member of a team? Are you a passionate person and a self-starter? Do you want to grow your business under the umbrella of a well-established natural health clinic?

Summary: Provides Naturopathic, Chinese Medicine, Massage, Therapy or other services as an independent contractor at a well-known natural healthcare clinic in NE Portland. We are a fee-for-service clinic and do not directly accept insurance. We currently provide acupuncture, herbs, naturopathic medicine, nutrition, and massage.

This is a great opportunity for someone with an established practice who would like a second location OR would like to move their practice to a better location. We treat primarily female clients and have a lot of fertility and pregnant clientele. We want to increase our offerings and have more appointments available for our clients.

Pay: This is an Independent Contractor position with percentage retained based on years of experience.

Hours available: Please email us to find out the hours we have available. Let us know if you would like one or two rooms at a time. Mimimum 20 hours/ week required.

Required: At least five years experience treating patients in your field.

Are you qualified for this position and interested in being part of the Blossom Clinic team? E-mail your resume and a brief cover letter describing your qualifications to theblossomclinic@gmail.com

It is highly recommended that you visit our website and blog for more information about our clinic before you get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

Blossom Clinic is a natural health clinic in Portland Oregon with a focus on Women's Health, Fertility and Pregnancy .

Blossom Clinic is a natural health clinic in Portland Oregon with a focus on Women’s Health, Fertility and Pregnancy. We are seeking one more practitioner to complete our team.

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Enter to Win a Linked with Love Necklace!


Linked with Love Necklace

ENTER TO WIN A LINKED WITH LOVE NECKLACE! Visit the Blossom Clinic of Portland Oregon facebook page to enter.

Visit Facebook to Enter!

We are giving away a Linked with Love Necklace to one lucky winner to celebrate Blossom’s 6 year anniversary!

All you have to do is comment on our post on facebook and mention something that truly calms you and makes you feel peaceful.

The Linked with Love necklace features three fine silver hoops linked with a rainbow moonstone. The chain is 14K gold filled and comes with an extender for length choice. It’s so pretty and calming.

There is good energy in this piece and we want you to have one! Winner will be chosen Wed. 5/20/2015.

Posted by Blossom Clinic of Portland, Oregon on Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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Blossom Clinic Welcomes Jen Ward, L.Ac Acupuncturist & Health Coach


Blossom Clinic welcomes Jen Ward, L.Ac. to the team as an Independent Contractor June 11th, 2015! Joining us with a dynamic and diverse background, Jen brings an amazing energy to her patient care. We are lucky to have her!

Jen Ward Portland Oregon

Jen’s services include Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Health Coaching, WomanCode, Marma, Qi Gong, Shiatsu, Cupping/Gua Sha.

Jen Ward combines Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Integrative Health Coaching to help you achieve optimal health. By applying ancient wisdom to a modern lifestyle, Jen helps you balance your body by uncovering the root of your imbalance and explore your constitutional health, your nature within. Jen offers individualized support and incorporates the appropriate health tools to help you become a more balanced being.

Jen believes in both the power of food as medicine and the importance of mind-body connection. Jen turned to whole foods, yoga and holistic health in 2001 helping to alleviate her severe PMS, digestive concerns, heartburn, colds/sore throats and neck pain. As a former Advertising Executive of fourteen years in NYC, she relates to her clients needs for stress reduction tools. She is passionate about helping patients refine digestion and balancing their hormones plus educates them about health prevention. Jen has been focused on Women’s Health concerns since 2012 as an Integrative Health Coach with FloLiving.com focused on Fertility, Adrenal Fatigue, PCOS, Endometriosis and additional Women’s Health concerns.

Jen is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Integrative Health Coach and Pilates instructor. She holds additional professional training certificates from Duke University Integrative Medicine, Kripalu School of Ayurveda, The Natural Gourmet Institute and Institute for Psychology of Eating. Jen is also passionate about service animals and is an avid volunteer with PAVE: Paws Assisting Veterans in Portland, Oregon.

Jen Ward’s services include Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Health Coaching, WomanCode, Marma, Qi Gong, Shiatsu, Cupping/Gua Sha. Find out more at her website: Being Elemental.

Jen was so attentive to what I was feeling and really helped me transition smoothly from a state of blaming my body to a place where I can happily say that my body and I are deeply connected for the first time in my life. She always had really great insight whenever I had any questions, and she remembered everything from our previous discussions, so I always felt like she really cared about me as an individual and knew what I specifically needed. Jen is an encouraging, uplifting, honest coach who I would recommend to anyone. I’ve already recommended her to a few friends. It is safe to say that Jen has really done her research and knows about every holistic practice under the sun and would reference the appropriate practice based on what I was feeling. She is so knowledgeable and continues to learn about health and wellness. I really, truly enjoyed working together and will not hesitate to call her whenever I have a health roadblock in the future. Her genuine care for me made this an invaluable experience and I will always thank her for opening my eyes to the beauty of my own body.

– Integrative Health Coach Client (6 Sessions)

By working one on one with Jen, I was able to measure where I was putting my energy in to, where it was being drained and where I wanted to put it. It was eye opening. I am focused now on more creativity, more love, more adventure and more hormonal health changes as I continue with my second program with Flo Living. 

-Integrative Health Coach Client (9 Sessions)

When I started working with Jen, I was intent on beginning a journey to improved fertility and healthy lifestyle. From my first session she brought a sense of compassion, patience and professionalism which made the difference for me in this program. There are countless things I learned from our sessions which I have and look forward to continuing to incorporate into my life throughout all life stages. First, I want to share the news of the birth of my son about a year later after completing my sessions! My focus during and post sessions was self-care, connecting on a daily basis with self-love, acceptance and focus on the following to name a few: making time for meals, cooking/prepping more meals vs.ordering in / buying prepared meals, increasing my water intake, incorporation of a daily mindbody technique, focus on spirituality and community. A mantra for me was focus, determination and patience. I also made a complete overhaul in my personal products. Jen was a good teacher and cheerleader. Any time I have a marathon of some sort, I know who I can count on.

-Integrative Health Coach Client (6 sessions)

When I started with Jen, I was hoping to learn how to balance my hormones and optimize my health as well as achieve a healthy weight. I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure at 16 and this has been a struggle for me. By focusing on my body, I felt more satisfied and less deprived when eating healthy. I learned what I should eat for my body. I take time for meals, I am prepared with snacks, ordering more veggies, plus making kale! I even created a girls night with a healthy twist! I spend less money on eating out and learned to prep food. I am doing more exercise and learned the different things that can affect our health including emotions. Jen is supportive and has made me more knowledgeable about my body and now I understand how I can bring my body in to balance. This is knowledge that will last a lifetime!

-Integrative Health Coach Client (3 sessions)

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